【New energy vehicle frontier】The latest policy guide of new energy vehicle

Author:YE MA    Source:ceep    Date:2016-01-04 Views:

【Editor's note】:
  In the past two years, the development of new energy vehicle has been strongly supported by the government. In the first half of 2015, nearly 10 measurement of supporting policy was introduced, including the reduction of new energy vehicle purchase tax, open electric passenger vehicle access, etc. In the second half of 2015, at the ending of the 12th Five-Year Plan, a number of measurements is taking to welcome the next five year plan.

1. Five new national standards of Electric vehicle charging interface and communication protocol were released.
  In December 2015, five new national standards of Electric vehicle charging interface and communication protocol were released as follow:
  The electric car transmission charging system Part 1: general requirements
  Electric car conduction charging with connection device Part 1: general requirements
  Electric car conduction charging with connection device Part 2: charging interface communication
  Electric car conduction charging with connection device Part 3: direct current charging interface
  Electric cars on-board conduction type charging machine and the communication protocol between the battery management systems

2. Requirements of "3S" safety technique is upcoming by national center for electric control
  Requirements are aiming at the problems of Fire safety, Waterproof safety and Anti-electric shock safety.
  Requirements are objective and in detail giving the customer of vehicles legal basis to ensure cars’ safety.
  More new energy buses were promoted, which makes the "3S" safety technique more meaningful.

3. MIIT released the list of lead storage battery manufacturing enterprise who meet the standards of industry standards.