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沈萌 副教授

作者:ceep    来源:ceep    日期:2018-09-26 访问量:



   主要研究方向包括智慧能源管理、行为经济学、建筑能源效率、能源环境政策、环境心理学等。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年科学基金项目,在Energy Economics, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Energy Policy等国内外学术期刊发表论文二十余篇,其中发表在SSCI/SCI期刊Energy Policy上的论文被顶级期刊Nature Energy作为重点研究(Research Highlights)进行了报道(Nature Energy,1(12),2016.12)。担任Energy and Buildings, Waste Management等SCI/SSCI国际期刊论文评阅人。










[1] 沈萌,魏一鸣. 智慧能源.(获北京理工大学特立系列教材立项资助,纳入《新一代人工智能2030全景科普丛书》,获国家出版基金资助). 科学技术文献出版社,2022.


[1] Meng Shen*, Xiang Li, Yujie Lu, Qingbin Cui, Yi-Ming Wei*. Personality-based normative feedback intervention for energy conservation. Energy Economics, 2021, 105654

[2] Meng Shen, Yujie Lu*, Kua Harn Wei, Qingbin Cui. Prediction of Household Electricity Consumption and Effectiveness of Concerted Intervention Strategies Based on Occupant Behaviour and Personality Traits. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2020, 127, 109839

[3] Yixuan Wang, Baojun Tang*, Meng Shen*, Yizhou Wu, Shen Qu, Yujie Hu, Ye Feng. Environmental impact assessment of second life and recycling for LiFePO4 power batteries in China. Journal of Environmental Management, 2022, 314, 115083

[4] Meng Shen, Robert Young, Qingbin Cui*. The Normative Feedback Approach for Energy Conservation Behavior in the Military Community. Energy Policy. 2016, 98, 19-32(被Nature Energy作为重点研究进行了报道)

[5] Meng Shen, Qingbin Cui*, Liping Fu. Personality Traits and Energy Conservation. Energy Policy, 2015, 85, 322-334

[6] Meng Shen, Xiang Li, Xiangnan Song*, Yujie Lu. Linking personality traits to behavior-based intervention: Empirical evidence from Hangzhou, China. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 2022, 95, 106796

[7] Xiangnan Song, Meng Shen*, Yujie Lu, Liyin Shen, Hongyang Zhang. How to effectively guide carbon reduction behavior of building owners under emission trading scheme? An evolutionary game-based study. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 2021, 90, 106624

[8] Meng Shen*, Jinglong Chen. Optimization of peak-valley pricing policy based on a residential electricity demand model. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022 (in press)

[9] Meng Shen, Yujie Lu*, Kua Harn Wei, Qingbin Cui. Eco-feedback delivering methods and psychological attributes shaping household energy consumption: Evidence from intervention program in Hangzhou, China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 121755

[10] 沈萌,张干,张可爱. 园区级区域综合能源系统综合评价方法及应用. 北京理工大学学报社会科学版, 2022.7

[11] 傅利平,沈萌. 完善生态环境保护体制机制. 人民日报理论版. 2014.6.23


[1] 主持国家自然科学基金面上基金项目:考虑异质性的居民节能行为干预机制及其对策研究,2023-2026,在研,主持

[2] 主持国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:基于性格特质的居民节能行为及其干预策略研究,2020-2022,在研,主持

[3] 北京理工大学科技创新计划基础研究专项计划:基于行为特征的居民能耗行为干预系统,2019-2020,结题,主持

[4] 国家重点研发计划“科技冬奥”专项:低碳冬奥监测与碳中和调控关键技术及示范应用,2021-2022,在研,参与

[5] Smart Solutions Promoting Behavior Driven Energy Efficiency: A Personality-based Energy Management System. Green Building Innovation Cluster Grant, National Research Foundation (NRF) of Singapore, 2016-2018

[6] Life Cycle Operational Management and Efficiency for Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV). Ministry of National Development- Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city Administrative Committee, Green Building-related Research and Development Programme, 2015-2017

[7] Improving residential energy efficiency for sustainable communities: An integrated model of normative feedback, emotion, informational support, and concertive control. National Science Foundation UMD Advance Program, 2013-2014


[1] 2022年“挑战杯”首都大学生创业计划竞赛主赛道金奖(指导教师)

[2] 2021年北京理工大学管理与经济学院第13届青年学者学术研讨会一等奖

[3] 2017年天津大学校级优秀博士学位论文

[4] 2013年天津大学博士研究生优博基金