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我校魏一鸣教授作为共同主编的学术期刊 Energy and Climate Change(《能源与气候变化》)正式出刊

作者:ceep    来源:    日期:2020-12-11 访问量:

由北京理工大学魏一鸣教授和马里兰大学Leon Clarke教授联合担任创刊主编,爱思唯尔(Elsevier)出版社出版发行的学术期刊 Energy and Climate Change(《能源与气候变化》)第一期内容已于2020年12月陆续上线,2021年6月1日前可免费浏览、下载。

能源及其密切相关的气候变化问题已成为全球政界、学术界、工商界和社会公众共同关注的焦点。能源的大量开发和利用,是造成环境污染和气候变化的主要原因之一,正确处理能源开发利用与环境保护和气候变化,是世界各国迫切需要解决的问题。能源与气候变化交叉领域涉及的范围相当广泛,既包括经济和社会发展,也包括文化、科技和环境发展等诸多内容,各项内容互相关联、错综复杂。尽管目前有许多专门研究在能源技术和系统、气候变化及其解决方案等领域的期刊,但是缺乏专门致力于确定切实可行的能源系统解决方案以应对气候变化挑战的跨学科期刊。通过两年多时间里与爱思唯尔(Elsevier)出版社的积极探索、讨论和最终实施, Energy and Climate Change期刊于2019年11月发布,致力于发表能源和气候变化交叉领域的创新和系统性跨学科研究,旨在提供一个涵盖从能源生产和储存、气候变化的原因,到能源技术、气候变化以及能源和气候政策对社会经济的影响等研究领域的交流平台,从而促进从事能源与气候变化领域工作的科学家、工程师、经济学家和政策制定者之间的快速沟通和对话。

在主编魏一鸣教授和Leon Clarke教授的组织下,来自18个国家的27名具有高国际学术声誉和影响力的学者联合组成了一个架构完善、结构合理的期刊编委会。期刊现面向全球征集能源与气候变化交叉领域的高质量研究成果Energy and Climate Change 期刊网址https://www.journals.elsevier.com/energy-and-climate-change



Identifying real energy system solutions to respond to the challenge of climate change

Leon Clarke, Yi-Ming Wei

Research articles

Humanizing heat as a service: Cost, creature comforts and the diversity of smart heating practices in the United Kingdom

Benjamin K. Sovacool, Jody Osborn, Mari Martiskainen, Amal Anaam, Matthew Lipson

Optimum placement of biomass DG considering hourly load demand

Bikash Das, V. Mukherjee, Debapriya Das

Numerical simulation of building wall incorporating phase change material for cooling load reduction

K. Kant, A. Shukla, Atul Sharma

Public participation in decision making, perceived procedural fairness and public acceptability of renewable energy projects

Lu Liu, Thijs Bouman, Goda Perlaviciute, Linda Steg

The tradeoffs between GHGs emissions, income inequality and productivity

Santosh Kumar Sahu, Unmesh Patnaik

Green with savvy? Brazil's climate pledge to the Paris Agreement and its transition to the green economy

Valny Giacomelli Sobrinho, Viktor Lagutov, Sándor Baran

Comparative exergy analysis between rotary hearth furnace-electric arc furnace and blast furnace-basic oxygen furnace steelmaking routes

Binay Kumar, Gour Gopal Roy, Prodip Kumar Sen

Renewable energy scenarios for sustainable electricity supply in Nigeria

Ishaya T. Tambari, Michael O. Dioha, Pierre Failler

Duopolistic optimization of alternative vehicle fueling stations (Special Issue Paper)

Marcel Minutolo, Tony Kerzmann, Gavin Buxton

Carbon dioxide and methane sorption characteristics of Damodar Valley and Upper Assam shale, India (Special Issue Paper)

Tuli Bakshi, Vikram Vishal, B.K. Prusty, K. Pathak

CO2 capture and sequestration - A solution for enhanced recoveries of unconventional gasses and liquids (Special Issue Paper)

Rimzhim Gupta, Sebastian C. Peter

Evaluation of hydrocarbon potential with insight into climate and environment present during deposition of the Sonari lignite, Barmer Basin Rajasthan

Alok Kumar, Alok K. Singh, Debajyoti Paul, Abhishek Kumar

Formulation of a rice husk based non-damaging drilling fluid and its effect in shale formations (Special Issue Paper)

Deepjyoti Mech, Borkha Mech Das, Akshay Sunil, Minhaj Areekkan, Syed Imaad

Recovery of viscous and heavy oil by CO2-saturated brine (Special Issue Paper)

Nader Mosavat, Samia Al-Riyami, Peyman Pourafshary, Yahya Al-Wahaibi, Svetlana Rudyk

Investment and production dynamics of conventional oil and unconventional tight oil: Implications for oil markets and climate strategies (Special Issue Paper)

Henrik Wachtmeister, Mikael Höök

Hierarchical clustering of Pristane and Phytane data to identify the sweet spots in the shale reservoirs (Special Issue Paper)

Ajit K. Sahoo, Sudipta Basu, Vikram Vishal, Mukul Srivastava

A comparison of different carbon taxes on utilization of natural gas (Special Issue Paper)

Kelly A. Stevens, Deborah A. Carroll

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