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作者:ceep    来源:ceep    日期:2015-04-02 访问量:

【报告人】: 杨自力(纽约州立大学宾汉顿分校经济学教授、北京理工大学兼职教授)

【报告题目】:Someone's Poison, Others' Manna: Studies of Mixed Externality Phenomena



Studying climate change reveals “mixed externality” phenomena. Mixed externality phenomena have not been studied in the literature. In this paper, the properties of mixed externality are examined and analyzed. These properties revise some well-known conclusions regarding public good and externality in the literature; they also offer more realistic and cogent explanations on the issues related to climate negotiations and conflicts in climate change policies. A simple model of mixed externality is solved numerically. The results from numerical simulations confirm the properties derived analytically in the paper. Finally, policy implications of mixed externality are elaborated in connection with climate change.

杨自力,美国耶鲁大学经济学博士(1993),现为纽约州立大学宾汉顿分校经济学教授、北京理工大学兼职教授。曾在清华大学、麻省理工学院、宾夕法尼亚州立大学等高校任职。主要从事资源与环境经济学、能源经济学、经济建模、应用博弈论、中国经济等研究工作。同耶鲁大学教授William D. Nordhaus合作,发展建立了在世界范围内最具影响力的气候变化综合评估模型(RICE模型),并发表在American Economic Review等重要期刊。RICE模型及其衍生的多个模型在联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)历次报告中被广泛使用。杨教授独立发展了将博弈论数值解的概念和算法与气候经济综合评估模型相结合的研究方法,在此开拓性领域居国际领先地位;是世界上第一个将非合作博弈解以及合作博弈解引入大型综合评估模型的学者;是上世纪90年代麻省理工学院能源实验室EPPA模型的最主要建模者。