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东安格利亚大学Dabo Guan教授学术报告

作者:ceep    来源:ceep    日期:2015-02-05 访问量:

【报告人】:Professor Dabo Guan ( School of International Development, University of East Anglia)

【报告题目】:Drivers of fossil fuel emissions in China and near-term prospects for peak emissions

【报告时间】:2015年2月5日 上午9:30

【报告地点】:北京理工大学能源与环境政策研究中心(主楼 6楼)

  We explore our latest data on recent trends in China’s national and regional emissions and their implications for the remaining carbon quota to limit global temperatures to two degrees, and investigate the drivers of emission growth and a range of strategies to achieve China's and global emission peak.

  Professor Dabo Guan works for School of International Development, University of East Anglia from October 2014. He is also a senior member of St Edmund’s College, University of Cambridge. He specialises in environmental economics for international climate change mitigation, climate change adaptation, scenario analysis on environmental impacts, water resources accounting and management, input-output modelling and their applications in both developed and developing countries. He was a Lead Author for the Working Group III of the 5th Assessment Report (AR5) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Chapter 14 on Regional Development and Cooperation. He has authored over 50 publications, including articles published Science, Nature, Nature Climate Change, and PNAS. He has received Leontief Prize 3 times and recently award for the Philip Leverhulme Prize (to award to outstanding scholars who have made a substantial and recognised contribution to their particular field of study, recognised at an international level).