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澳大利亚国立大学 Paul Burke博士学术报告

作者:ceep    来源:ceep    日期:2014-09-16 访问量:

Modeling the Emissions-Income Relationship Using Long-Run Growth Rates

【主讲人】:澳大利亚国立大学 Paul Burke博士

【时间】: 2014年9月16日(星期二)15:00

【地点】: 主楼六层会议室

Paul Burke is a Fellow at the Australian National University (ANU)’s Crawford School of Public Policy. He works on the economics of energy, the environment, and developing countries. His current research topics include coal demand in China, household energy demand, and determinants of emission levels. Paul has published in leading journals including Nature Climate Change, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, and Energy Economics. Paul teaches Environmental Economics and Microeconomics at ANU.

We adopt a new representation of the relationship between emissions and income using long-run growth rates. Our approach allows us to test multiple hypotheses about the drivers of per capita emissions in a single framework and avoid several of the econometric issues that have plagued previous studies. We find that for carbon dioxide emissions, scale, convergence, and resource endowment effects are statistically significant. For sulfur emissions, the scale and convergence effects are significant, there is a strong negative time effect, and non-English legal origin and higher population density are associated with more rapidly declining emissions. The environmental Kuznets effect is not statistically significant in our full sample for either carbon or sulfur.