[04/25] Virtual climate summit held in the United States China vigorously promote the development and utilization of clean energy

Author:Xiaoyu Chen    Source:ceep    Date:2021-04-25 Views:

Virtual climate summit held in the United States China vigorously promote the development and utilization of clean energy


Highlights of International Energy News

——Global leaders virtual climate summit

——As global oil inventories decrease, oil prices could rise to $74 a barrel

——Breakthrough: convert plastic into fuel, reduce energy consumption by 50%

——Nestle is asked to stop the spring diversion of San Bernardino forest

Highlights of Domestic Energy News

——Total external clean electricity delivered by Qinghai Henan "green power" artery is 10billion kWh

——Baofeng energy has built the largest solar electrolysis water hydrogen production project in the world

——Build photovoltaic and energy storage demonstration experimental platform to contribute to China's plan for new energy industry