[02/21] The United States returned to the Paris agreement

Author:ceep    Source:ceep    Date:2021-02-22 Views:

The United States returned to the Paris agreement; Xi Jinping chaired the central Shenzhen Reform Commission to co-ordinate the 2030 carbon emission peak action plan.


Highlights of International Energy News

——The United States formally rejoins the Paris Agreement

——The containment water level of units 1 and 3 of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant dropped

——The cold current has reduced US crude oil production by nearly 40%, and the oil price once exceeded US $65

——The cold wave led to continuous water and electricity cut-off in Texas for several days, and the electricity price increased 100 times

Highlights of Domestic Energy News

——During the Spring Festival, the State Grid operated smoothly and achieved safe, reliable and high-quality power supply

——Xi Jinping chaired the central Shenzhen Reform Commission: CO ordinating the 2030 carbon emission peak action plan

——SDIC successfully issued the first batch of "carbon neutral" bonds

——Nonferrous Metals usher in favorable policies